Umbraco developer profile
Our Umbraco developers have an average of 6-7 years of professional web development experience. All are graduates of bachelor’s degrees in Computer Science, Information Technology, or similar technical education.
The majority of our developers have attained at least one Microsoft Certification in Application Development, including Microsoft .NET Framework, Programming in C#, MVC Web Applications, ASP.NET Application Development, Web Applications Development, or Programming in HTML with Javascript and CSS.
Our developers go through a structured training program that includes UI/UX workshops, speed optimization, technical SEO, coding standards, SEO, and more. These courses are refreshed regularly with new and relevant topics, ensuring that our team is up-to-date with the latest technical knowledge in the field.

What we offer
We may assign one person, or we can give you a complete team of Umbraco developers with in-depth know-how in design, development, system architecture, database design, testing, installation, and support, depending on the scope of the project and your requirements.
Throughout the development process, you coordinate with a dedicated project manager who manages the developers, designers, and testers.
Benefits of using 1902 Software
- Quick results – We usually resolve ad hoc tasks within 24 hours.
- Expertise – Our Umbraco developers are constantly trained with the latest technologies and best practices.
- Security and stability - All developers are in-house and we do not use freelancers.
- Transparency – Our project management tools allow direct communication between customers, project managers, and team members.
- Consistency – After the project is handed over to the client, support is provided by the same development team.
- Quality assurance – We have a dedicated QA team in charge of systematic web and software testing. Thus, it's not up to just the developers to catch issues and errors.
Free Umbraco SEO package
Read more about 1902 SEO+, an Umbraco package designed to let you easily manage your site's technical SEO.